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“Stress is actually good information… a valuable signal that the middle brain (our limbic system) is interpreting, or misinterpreting, some situation as threatening.”

~ Bill Crawford


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Stress Will KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, it’s true that stress can be detrimental to one’s health and happiness, however, I’m not a big fan of trying to frighten people into making good choices. Or, put another way, I don’t agree with stressing people out in order to deal with stress, because this just throws us deeper into the part of the brain that simply reacts without thinking. This might be great in fight-or-flight situations, but not so great in the rest of life.


Instead, I suggest we look at stress (and all other negative reactions such as anger, anxiety, frustration, annoyance, etc.) as good information:


• Good information about the situation we are in.
• Good information about how our limbic system is interpreting some situation or thought.
• Good information about what part of the brain we are in, and what sort of chemicals we are dumping into our body.
• Good information whether this is a reaction we want to feed or change.


You see, when we are willing to look at any situation (either internal or external) as “good information,” we engage the conscious, purposeful, “good information” part of the brain, which then gives us access to all of our interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, clarity, confidence, creativity, etc.


Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life, and you will call it fate.” Therefore, the key here is to become aware of how our limbic system (the unconscious part of the brain) is interpreting a particular trigger, and change that interpretation (from “uh oh” to “good information”) in the conscious part of the brain.


While this is certainly easier said than done, the result will be so positive and powerful that it will be well worth the effort. The only question is…when you do want to start? If the answer is NOW, feel free to contact me, because helping individuals and organizations achieve this level of influence and personal mastery is what I do, and I would love to support you and your journey.



Take care and God bless, Dr. Bill