Stress Versus Distress

Stress Versus Distress

QUOTES & WISDOMfrom theTOP OF THE MIND QUOTES & WISDOM from the Top of the Mind QUOTES & WISDOM from theTop of the Mind “Dr. Crawford’s presentation was the highlight of the conference and a much needed reminder for all of us (especially nurses) to keep it all...
How To Use Our Emotions (vs. Them Using US)

How To Use Our Emotions (vs. Them Using US)

QUOTES & WISDOMfrom theTOP OF THE MIND QUOTES & WISDOM from the Top of the Mind QUOTES & WISDOM from theTop of the Mind “Dr. Crawford’s presentation was the highlight of the conference and a much needed reminder for all of us (especially nurses) to keep it all...

What Is Truly Ours To Carry?

        I wonder how much of what is weighing us down is truly ours to carry? ~ Adapted from Aditi Subscribe Subscribe to Dr. Bill’s “Quotes and Wisdom from the Top of the Mind” Newsletter Click Here Quote & Video Gallery What Is Truly Ours To...

The Problem With Pet Peeves

        “‘Peeves'” make lousy pets. They bite, eat too much, crap all over the place, and don’t clean up after themselves.” ~ Adapted from Seth Godin Subscribe Subscribe to Dr. Bill’s “Quotes and Wisdom from the Top of the...